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Fake GPS Location & Spoofer Pro

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Розробник: Guyverson Junior Vernous
1.99 USD

Want to pretending to be somewhere you have never been before ?
You can send to your friends Hey Im here! top of the Burj Khalifa

Trick your friends into thinking you are on top of Burj Khalifa

Convince your spouse youre having a late night at work instead of going wild at the bar wiith your friends ;) !

Pretending to be somewhere you are not has never been easier! Fake Gps Location Pro™ allows you to pinpoint where you want them to THINK you are! Simply choose your fake location, and send the GPS reading to whoever you want to fool!

Text and email includes correct street address and longitude and latitude of the location you select. These details along with a link to Google Maps showing the location are then included in your email or text. Receivers of the text will think it contains the location you are currently at!

PLEASE NOTE: This app does not change the real GPS location of your device, it will show a random location after you select the city.